♥ About Ellie ♥

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So, what can I say...

I'm guess I'm a toddleedoo blogger; I just love being a kid even in RL so I prefer blogging as a TD-baby (forever 3), and getting to share stuff I love. Thanks to having so many amazing products and fashions made in the kid community. Oh and NOPE, I don't baby talk...so NONE of that here, sorry - not sorry! :p~

It started off when people would see my photos (mostly on fb) and would ask me where I got this or that. So, after I was encouraged by many of my friends and family,to start a blog, I figured I'd give it a go! Since then Boom! Ellie Blogs started off with the name ToddleedoosNdonts. The name changed a few times since to now Oh Pie Gosh! Ellie Blogs!
Hmmmm, what else?? I guess I love blogging primarily for the photography behind it and the ability to create dream spaces for pretty much anything my heart desires. From fantasy to funny, silly to serious and just plain a-dory-ble stuff. #findingdoryfan4life
I don't always write stories, from time to time I do. Depends on my mood and time, I guess. I love taking photos, editing/highlighting featured items from my sponsors/anything else I really like. I don't only blog my sponsor items, however I do highlight/feature and showcase their items and their store logo/info/links are also visible clearly on my blog. Oh I also enjoy making videos sometimes, yet they're very time consuming, so I don't often get to do videos.

I've been enjoying watching myself advance as an SL blogger and I must say I am quite proud of my progress. I remember days of using picmonkey or other sites to add little elements but now I can proudly say I've gotten better at my PS skills and that alone is quite fulfilling for me.

I hope that you enjoy my photo's and videos and blog posts as much as I enjoy creating and sharing them with everyone! I also love seeing so many of my fellow bloggers, you are all awesome and I tip my hat to you! I'm honored to be in your company!


#OhPieGosh #EllieBlogs



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